Miniature grandfather clock

My friend and his study buddies have a tradition of giving each other grandfather clocks on their 25’th birthdays. Due to where his birthday was held, he couldn’t receive on this year, so I decided to make a miniature version.

I followed this tutorial on Instructables. Sadly I didn’t have any brown PLA, so I had to print the entire thing in white and paint it afterwards. I think it turned out really nice.

The 3D printed parts of the grandfather clock

Initial attempt at painting. Turns out I am really bad at color mixing

I decided to spray paint it instead…

Poor mans spray painting area

I veered a bit from the tutorial, printing a clock face and a top part on a 2D printer and then designed my own watch hands. The door is mounted with a small wire acting as a hinge. All the parts are glued together, and final details and touch-ups are made with acrylic paint and a small brush.

Final result

Published 23. February 2025

Last modified 23. February 2025